Property Sales History and Valuation Reports
This provides information about a property's sales record, market value, and valuation data.
About Property Sales History and Valuation Reports
The reports include:
Sales History Report
This report provides a comprehensive overview of a property's sales history, including past transactions and sale prices. If a property has been subdivided or consolidated, previous sales will be listed against an earlier property identifier.
Valuation Report
Prepared by the Valuer General under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 (Vic), this report outlines the most recent valuation for the property including:
- Land description and property details.
- Valuation information, such as site value, capital improvement value, and net annual value.
- Dwelling descriptors, including build date, construction materials, and other improvements.
Rates Objection (Property Sales Data)
The Rates Objection report provides a list of sales for similar properties across the surrounding 12-month period, which is required to protest against the value of a property as stated on a council rate notice or land tax assessment notice.
Why would I need a Property Sales History and Valuation Report? (Common Uses)
These documents are essential for understanding a property's history and value in various contexts.
Buying or Selling a Property
A valuation report provides an impartial assessment of a property's value at a given point in time.
Inheriting a Property
A retrospective valuation for legal or tax obligations.
Challenging a Rate Valuation
A rates objection allows you to formally dispute a property valuation on a council rate notice or land tax assessment notice.
Searching for a Property Sales History and Valuation Report
You can order a property sales history or valuation report via the Order Now button. You will need to use a property identifier (such as address, volume and folio number, lot on plan or crown allotment) and then select the desired report.
Important Note:
For Rates Objection, you must supply a copy of your Council Rates Notice as a supporting document when contacted by the LANDATA® team. A validation will be conducted, and if successful, applications will be processed. Refunds are not available for incomplete documentation or ordering errors.
Delivery Time: Varies by report type, listed when ordering.
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What information can I get from LANDATA®?
I have not received my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code when logging into my LANDATA® account?
How can I access or obtain Property Sales Information?
Can I obtain property sales data to support my rates objection?
I am having trouble finding my property
Or, view all Frequently Asked Questions.