Document Tracking
These services are utilised by the conveyancing community as part of their activities.
About Document Tracking
Final Search
- Provides verification of activity against a folio (Title) for the last 125 days, from the date if the request, if any activity is identified, dealing reference and status of that dealing is provided. This service carries and Government guarantee and a statutory fee applies.
Dealing Enquiry
- Provides progress of dealings, from Lodgement to Registration.
Prelodgement Check
- To determine if the Certificate of Title has been nominated to lodgement case in Land Registration Services prior to lodgement of a dealing.
Issue Search
- Provides details of who the Certificate of Title is issued to, after the registration of dealing/s
Verify Title
- Uses security reference number to replicate an RSS, to verify the state of the register at that point in time
- Used to order something without re-purchasing RSS (Water information statement, SRO) if RSS purchased in last 30 days
- Re-issues RSS as generated at that time.
Dealing Activity on Title
- Similar to a final search, this provides only a Yes (Y) or No (N) response for activity against a folio in the last 125 days from the date of enquiry. The fee is lower than that of final search and no guarantee applies.
Property Transaction Alert
- Notification to the user of changes in progression status for Registered/Unregistered Plans (lodged under the Subdivision Act) and folios (Titles) for designated periods (for example three months), plus Lot Lists that provide a full title allocation for the plan or stage upon plan registration.
Lot List
- Provides full title/address allocation for plan or stage.
- Can be used to update address on title via DQA if it has not happened automatically
Why would I need a Document Tracking? (Common Uses)
If you require any of the services listed above, we recommend you seek the support of a conveyancer.
Conducting a document track
You can start document tracking via the Order Now button above. Select the required service, noting that each service has different identifiers and fees.
Delivery Time: Varies.