How to place an order on LANDATA®
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Step 1 - Specify Property
I am having trouble finding my property
If the system fails to find a match on address, try another approach using an alternative identifier, such as Lot on Plan number or a Standard Parcel Identifier (SPI). These can be obtained through LASSI.
- Enter your address in the search bar and press enter
- Click on "identify property" located on the menu bar above the search bar.
- Once LASSI returns a result, you can use either the Lot on Plan or SPI number as a reference.
- Either of these references can then be entered into the appropriate field in the LANDATA® ordering system, within Step 1. Your reference will be matched to a title which you then will be able to order.
Step 2 - Confirm Property
There is more than one property is listed
If there are two or more property results for the same identifier, you must select one. This will be the information used to order certificates.
If you are unsure of the details for a property returned by the search you could:
- View and confirm the property is identified on LASSI.
- Check the information you used to specify the property. Go 'back' and change the identifier option and / or information used to specify the property.
- If you order a Registered Search Statement (Title) at the next step, a Land Index search charge (a fee) will be incurred. To avoid this extra charge, return to Step 1. "Specify Property" and enter the Volume / Folio number.
Confirm property details
In order to go to the next step you must "confirm" that the details selected are to be used by a responsible authority to issue a certificate for your required property. Your confirmation is LANDATA®'s authorisation to send the selected property details to the responsible authorities.
Step 3 - Select Certificates
How do I know when to expect the extra service charge?
A Land Index service charge will be applied if a Register Search Statement (Copy of Title) is requested and you have not provided the Title (or Folio) reference. The system will automatically indicate when the system will make this charge. The extra charge does not apply when other certificates are requested.
Diagram for a Title Search
A title search includes the current ownership information and any registered encumbrances on the property. Under the computerised VOTS service a title search does not include the diagram (Copy of Plan), so the system will auto select it for you. If you don't require a Copy of Plan, you can deselect.
Delivery turn-around times
Please note the delivery turn-around days noted refer to business days (excluding weekends and public holidays). They are indicative and provided as a guide only.
Additional information - Custodian specific
The additional information will appear if the Certificate authority requires additional information to allow them to accurately issue the certificate you have requested. Failure to provide the required information will automatically remove the selected certificate from your order. The balance of your order will proceed based on the provided data.
Step 4 - Delivery Details / How will I receive my order?
Choosing a delivery method
All certificates will be delivered via email as a PDF attachment except for the following four certificates when they are larger than 7MB in size:
- Register Search Statement (Copy of Title)
- Copy of Plan
- Paper Instrument
- Electronic Instrument
These certificates, if over 7MB in size, will be delivered via email as a secure URL link in PDF format. This link will remain active for 120 days after it has been supplied.
If these certificates are under 7MB in size, they will be delivered via email as PDF attachment.
You can also view all certificates online for 120 days after they have been supplied.
Delivery turn-around times
Please note the delivery turn-around days noted refer to business days (excluding weekends and public holidays). They are indicative and provided as a guide only.
Step 5 - Payment Details
Credit Card Users
LANDATA® will take all reasonable steps necessary to protect your personal information and credit card details with respect to confidentiality and security of data. Credit card details are encrypted for your protection using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
Accepted credit cards are Mastercard and VISA.
Please note:
- credit card "acceptance" requires up to 250 seconds to process the details, please be patient.
- if the approval process fails it will be more than likely due to a system error.
- before leaving this window, please "Save" your order for completion at a later time.
Step 6 - Receipt for the order
You are able to print or e-mail the Tax Invoice/Receipt. This receipt contains the time and date when the order was processed as well as when the receipt was issued. The receipt also show the property identification details used for the order.
The receipt details for each selected certificate the Authority fees, the Service Charge and any GST amounts relating to the certificate ordered.
Your Orders
Order mailbox
All Submitted or Saved Orders are stored by the system. Orders are listed in chronological order with your specified reference.
Access to this mailbox is via the normal user login. There is a storage area for Submitted orders which have been forwarded onto the appropriate authority for processing, and another area for Saved orders.
Submitted orders
Property/Order | Certificate | Creation Time | Receipt Number | Your Reference | Status | Action
- The status of a certificate within the order is shown. This status will be updated to show when the authority has processed and returned the completed certificate.
The available actions are:
- View Order - Displays the property details and the list of selected certificates and their status and the specified delivery method.
- Copy Order - Used to copy the property details from this order into a new order.
- View Certificate - Retrieves, as a PDF, the selected certificate.
Saved Orders
Step One Identifier | Date Created | Your Reference | TPI Reference | Action
The available actions are:
- Delete - Delete saved order.
- Continue - Retrieve saved order and return to finalise the order.
All orders are stored for 120 days
All submitted/completed orders are stored and can be retrieved from this online mailbox any number of times for up to one hundred and twenty (120) days.
Glossary of Terms
This link will take you to the SERV website for a complete glossary of terms